
Pearson English International Certificate 2024
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Pearson English International Certificate 2024

As a partner of Pearson Edexcel, SDK Plus PENABUR Cirebon held a Pearson English International Certificate (PEIC) for grade 2 and 4. PEIC is a fun English language assessment for students aged 6-13.

Before the test, our hardworking teachers and students had spent their Tuesday and Thursday morning to study before the PEIC test who was held on 23rd March, 2024. Everyone would come to school at 7 in the morning and took 30 minutes to study for the test.

The test was separated into two parts: written test and spoken test. The written test included listening and writing test. As for the spoken test, our students will be divided into a group of several students where they must do short conversations about the given topic.

Thanks to our amazing teachers and our great students who had learn thoughtfully, everyone did well on the test and we could finish our PEIC test nicely.

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