
BPK PENABUR’s Birthday Ceremony

BPK PENABUR’s Birthday Ceremony

Happy 74th Birthday BPK PENABUR! On July 19 2024, BPK PENABUR...

MPLS and Fun Welcoming Activities!

MPLS and Fun Welcoming Activities!

Welcome to SDK Plus PENABUR Cirebon, Grade 1 and welcome back to school...

“Keep Moving Forward”: Grade 6 Graduation

“Keep Moving Forward”: Grade 6 Graduation

Finally, after going through a long, difficult and hard-fought process,...

SDK Plus PENABUR Cirebon End Year Fun Activities

SDK Plus PENABUR Cirebon End Year Fun Activities

After working hard to finish the final test, the students can finally have...

2nd Semester Final Test Service

2nd Semester Final Test Service

2023-2024 academic period has finally come to an end, and it’s time...

SDK Plus PENABUR Cirebon Goes to Lembang!

SDK Plus PENABUR Cirebon Goes to Lembang!

Who doesn’t love field trip? SDK Plus PENABUR Cirebon was so excited...

Learn Well, Live Well: Grade 6 Final Journey in Elementary School

Learn Well, Live Well: Grade 6 Final Journey in Elementary School

Exam seasons are starting for our beloved grade 6. After studying well...

Pearson English International Certificate 2024

Pearson English International Certificate 2024

As a partner of Pearson Edexcel, SDK Plus PENABUR Cirebon held a Pearson...

All About Puberty

All About Puberty

Growing up might be confusing as a kid. Kids would start to question many...

Joyful in Hope Throughout the Hardships

Joyful in Hope Throughout the Hardships

Before wrapping up their first semester of school, SDK Plus PENABUR...

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SDK Plus Penabur Cirebon

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