
Indonesian Independence Day Celebration
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Indonesian Independence Day Celebration


In commemoration of the 79th Independence Day of the Republic of Indonesia, SDK Plus PENABUR Cirebon celebrated it on Friday, 16 August 2024. All students, teachers and staff use various ethnicities, Indonesian heroes or any occupation. Everyone looks very charming, happy and proud of Indonesia’s 79th independence.

We started the celebration with prayer and singing together. After that, the students watched an independence drama performance that had been prepared by teachers and staff. The drama tells the story of the struggle of the Indonesian people when carrying out forced labor under Japanese colonial rule, how many heroes died fighting the Japanese, but finally after a long struggle, Indonesia was able to become independent. Then, all students, teachers and staff held a parade starting from the Hall, TKK Plus, SDK Plus, SMPK-SMAK Plus, Field, and finally back to the hall to enjoy bread and some juice. After snack time, all students from grades 1-6 also have fun through games. This celebration ends with the announcement of the champion and best costumes, and of course with a prayer. 


Congratulations to the classes that have won according to their best categories and also congratulations to the winners of best costumes.


With this event, it is hoped that children can understand the struggle of the Indonesian people for independence and continue the struggle of the heroes through education.

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SDK Plus Penabur Cirebon

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