
Happy Independence Day Indonesia!
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Happy Independence Day Indonesia! "Nusantara Baru, Indonesia Maju.”

On August 17, 2024,Indonesia celebrated its 79th anniversary of independence. Therefore, to celebrate Independence Day as well as remember the services of all heroes, the students, teachers and employees from TKK Plus, SDK Plus, SMPK and SMAK Plus held a flag ceremony for Independence Day.


Ms. Santi, as the principal of TKK Plus, was the inspector of the Indonesian Independence Day Flag Ceremony. The ceremony went smoothly, enthusiastically and full of pride. 

By holding the Indonesian Independence Day ceremony, it is hoped that students, teachers, and employees will love our country, Indonesia, even more and continue to provide the best for the nation and state through education for the nation’s future. Through this ceremony it is also hoped that the heroes’ struggle will not stop, but that we will continue. 

Thank you to Paskibra from SMAK Plus BPK PENABUR Cirebon who gave their best for the ceremony. Thank you to Grade 6 SDK Plus and SMPK Plus who have given their best through choir.

On this special day, let us remember the sacrifices made for our freedom. Happy Independence Day, Indonesia! May we continue to cherish the values of democracy, justice, and unity that our nation was built upon. Together, we can build a brighter future for all.

Once again Happy 79th Independence Day, Indonesia.


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