
A Week of Commemoration and Challenges: Flag Ceremony
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A Week of Commemoration and Challenges: Flag Ceremony

This week has been a whirlwind of emotions, as we’ve balanced celebrations and academic rigor. SDK Plus held a flag ceremony to commemorate World Children’s Day, Teacher’s Day, and to prepare for the first semester final exams.

We began the week by commemorating Children’s Day. As the week progressed, we shifted our focus to Teacher’s Day, a day to honor the dedicated educators who shape our minds. Amidst these celebrations, we will also face the challenge of final exams. These tests marked the culmination of our first semester’s efforts and served as a stepping stone towards our future academic goals.

Mr Andrias is the inspector for today’s flag ceremony. Thank you for every encouragement given to the students. Thank you also to grade 6 who were the officers at today’s ceremony.

Happy World Children’s Day, Happy Teacher’s Day, and good luck on your final exams!


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