
A Day for Joy, Learning, and Hope on World Children’s Day
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A Day for Joy, Learning, and Hope on World Children’s Day

World Children’s Day, observed annually on November 20th, is a special day dedicated to celebrating children’s rights and promoting their well-being. Schools around the globe often organize various activities to mark this occasion.

In commemoration of World Children’s Day, students drew pictures of their hopes for all children in the world. Some of them hope that all children in the world can have decent food, clothing, shelter and education. We hope that every wish can come true. In commemoration of World Children’s Day, SDK Plus also shares milk with children in need.

By participating in these activities, students can learn about their rights, develop a sense of empathy, and contribute positively to society.

Let’s make every day a World Children’s Day by nurturing and empowering our young minds.

Happy Children’s Day!

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