
“I am Best Generation”: Scout Leadership Camp
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“I am Best Generation”: Scout Leadership Camp

Entering their final year of elementary school and school scout program, grade 6 students from SDK Plus PENABUR Cirebon joined a scout leadership camp on October 26-27th. The event was held collaboratively with the help of SMPK-SMAK Plus PENABUR Cirebon who was in charge of some activities.

The opening ceremony started at 4 PM, led by Mr Rusmin from SMPK-SMAK Plus PENABUR on the soccer field. A training session then follows the activity to build their tent in the same location. In total, there are 4 tents built by the students.

The tiring building session finally paid off with snacks and drinks during the break. The event was then followed by a couple of sessions with SMPK-SMAK Plus PENABUR Cirebon, dinner, bonfire and team performance, barbeque party, reflections, and finally, they were able to get a good sleep.

In the morning after, everyone gathers for a short devotion and a morning exercise. The fun didn’t stop there because, after that, everyone got to cook their breakfast. After their energy was recharged with the delicious meal, the last session before they went back home was outbound.

A short ceremony was held to officially end the whole event, and this will be the end of the Grade 6 scout journey.

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SDK Plus Penabur Cirebon

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