
BPK PENABUR’s Birthday Ceremony
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BPK PENABUR’s Birthday Ceremony


Happy 74th Birthday BPK PENABUR!

On July 19 2024, BPK PENABUR celebrated its 74th birthday. Therefore, on Monday, 22 July 2024, all the students, teachers and employees from TKK Plus, SDK Plus, SMPK and SMAK Plus held a flag ceremony for BPK PENABUR’s birthday.

Mr. Yosia, as the principal of SDK Plus, was the inspector of the BPK PENABUR anniversary ceremony. This ceremony also marks the acceptance of new students in each unit. Student representatives were given a sash as a symbol of belonging to the BPK PENABUR family. The ceremony went smoothly and was full of joy. Everyone followed all the procedures of the ceremony, even our beloved grade 1 who just experienced their first flag ceremony.



By holding the BPK PENABUR birthday ceremony, it is hoped that students, teachers and employees will love each other more and make BPK PENABUR more successful together. Thank you to Paskibra from SMAK Plus BPK PENABUR Cirebon for doing your best for the ceremony.

Once again, Happy 74th Birthday to BPK PENABUR. Increasingly becoming a school that excels in faith, knowledge and service!


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